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Why Bitcoin Access Has Been Shut Down In Hawaii - Honolulu Civil Beat

In return I become an very small owner of the company. But the requirement is also unnecessary for a bitcoin exchange because unlike a money transmitter, there is no need to keep physical assets in two different aurora cannabis stock us dollars pink chips stocks. CBOE futures only exist for one exchange. Big players would literally have all the strings to play the market according to their. With bitcoin, it's different. There are fringe cases that pop up from time to time and make headlines; the reason they make headlines, is because trillions of dollars in equities trade hands every year in the US, and such cases are very rare. What I don't get from the arbitrage side is why is the spread so much between exchanges? Cryptos, on the other hand, are entirely aquinox pharma stock price penny stock apparel on investor confidence. Bitcoin is just a dressed up pyramid scheme to enrich ones at the top. Transaction costs, manipulation, spreads, unfairness. Bitcoin comes into this world at a fixed supply rate. A lot of people are profiting from that, although there is a significant risk involved from the shoddy state of most exchanges. Other things, I trust it pretty thoroughly. The result of this highly inefficient market structure is that the same asset Bitcoin trades at significantly different prices from exchange to exchange I know I'm missing something because a lot of people a lot smarter than me are in this space. It has no value if there are no speculative buyers, and that day will come. A modestly-large trade can completely swamp the markets. He or she is the last person to set the price. Bitcoin, clearly, is far from an efficient market. Article reads a bit weird. For me personally, it's small enough that I'm not interested in learning any more, which has practical use because my time is finite. Cryptos imho are equal to gold not stocks. The various regulatory and law enforcement agencies generally work slowly, but they do work. DennisP on Dec 18, Then it sounds like your argument should just be "this is too risky for more than a tiny investment unless you're very secure," which I agree. When they see that one of the top exchanges is based in the USA, and is fully certified and regulated by the US government, it ought to help allay some fears about the safety and usefulness of easy forex no deposit bonus free share market tips intraday currency. A two-year freeze on bitcoin in Hawaii, an asset which few people in the state own, may not impact many people.

Unfortunately, this has left them with much lower volumes than the more cowboy exchanges This is a good first step, but if we wait for that group to be formed and then craft legislation based on their reports, we could well see the DCCA freeze on bitcoin transactions last for two years or more before the law is updated. People keep saying this, and it's totally untrue. Is that all it is? Hacker News new past comments ask show jobs submit. I don't know nearly enough to comment on the article but at this point I started to think Bitcoin is an abomination that will ultimately hurt everyone - not just the people who invested in it. Many interactive brokers forex python broker charlotte nc these wallets are actually exchange cold storage wallets, so they hold the BTC but not per se "own" it. Cryptos imho are equal to gold not stocks. It approximates the total amount of wealth currently held in the form of a particular crypto, which is interesting to know in comparison to more traditional asset classes stocks, bonds, gold, etc as well as to other cryptos. With bitcoin, it's different. When you actually use this stuff instead of just HODling it, you realize why it has value. For me personally, it's small enough that I'm not interested in learning any more, which has practical use because my time is finite. I think Bitcoin is an abomination because after 9 years of idealistic search for meaningful use case it is almost evident there most active cannabis stock make quick money on robinhood. There's not much point to "a bit decentralised". I just don't want to associate my other account with this post. The difference is that gold is unique bitcoin isn't. So no questions. If the price signals what time zone does pepperstone use up it should be because the technology has become part of the backbone of the Internet, not because people are promoting it on social media when there is zero volume.

You're enthused about dealing with cryptocurrencies for reasons of being insured by a centralized , third-party , who you've placed your trust in. Yes, from one perspective it would defeat the "trust-less" part of the system, but from another perspective it would enable instantaneous trades both within exchanges and between them. Why are you buying something that can't support multiple simultaneous buyers? Without the concept of adjustable "difficulty," a network could not adapt or grow as more or less computational power is brought online. Of all the bitcoin conspiracies it's provably false yet people somehow gravitate towards it. We either sell our bitcoins now, which for many users may trigger a capital gains tax, or hold them in offline accounts with no expectation that we will ever be able to sell them. Investing is not gambling, it's not a zero sum game and the fundamentals of it have some basis in reality. Bitcoins are expensive to produce and if it hangs around very long it will have a long history also. Until recently I worked for a company that was mostly paid in crypto, and had no trouble selling it off, moving the money into a bank, and meeting payroll. How hard could running an exchange be? The market cap is subject to huge swings as well if someone were to suddenly sell off a big chunk of shares. Cakez0r on Dec 18, It's not a given that Apple will continue to generate insane profit. And things like gold or oil barrels also have multiple exchanges. In the Legislature, there is no bill in the current session which could bring our laws up to speed. The only difference is, demand can change very quickly, causing drastic swings in price. The price is based on the success of the governance model and the appealing characteristics of the ecosystem. If I can buy an item from Amazon or Overstock. Did you mean Hummer? I think Bitcoin is an abomination because after 9 years of idealistic search for meaningful use case it is almost evident there is none. Yeah, I would be concerned about 'wash trading' too.

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DennisP on Dec 18, Then it sounds like your argument should just be "this is too risky for more than a tiny investment unless you're very secure," which I agree with. The motivation for this is that I keep hearing from friends asking "help, [relative] thinks bitcoins are a good idea! If one of -ancient- way of fight fails. If all BTC holders collectively decide to sell, however, the price would most probably collapse. Do worry how easily people and especially journalists fall for this. You are not providing capital to the company but just paying another trader for his shares. As companies become more highly leveraged, this becomes less and less true. Care to share general outlines of how your bots work? This is why company buyout offers are always for more than the current market cap. Meanwhile, they're running articles about Bitcoin being a bubble and a huge scam. Imagine two different sets of digital objects: AlphaCoins and BetaCoins - they're identical in the say way physics professors say "imagine an infinite frictionless plane". It makes the price stupidly volatile, and the thin per-exchange order books make it much more manipulable. Most failures of crypto exchanges have resulted in a total or near-total loss for depositors, and triggered rushes to the exit on other exchanges. Your original comment talked about a scenario where people decide against bitcoin and such a scenario can only play out if there is too much uncertainty to make them a viable investment. You should buy and sell some BTC on a big exchange before you make these nonsense claims. So when Japan said they would accept Bitcoin for payment of taxes Kay, bye!

He or she is the last person to set the price. This is FUD. So which exchange are you using? The NYSE sees on the order of a billion trades per day. That's one of the main caveats of the entire cryptocurrency effort: the exchanges. The "crypto" in bitcoin is about being able to know that the copy of the blockchain you have is indeed the "authentic", consensus blockchain. Support Nonprofit Journalism in Hawaii Sorry. Yes, only several times worse. Honestly, that's higher than I'd have expected, but it's also in vastly greater trade blocks than most daily purchases. I am not sure what the author means by "realizable". The "value" of bitcoin - or any security for that matter - is determined by the marginal buyer or seller. Cryptos imho are equal to gold not stocks. There are many ways they can make it difficult, cumbersome and risky however, even on an individual basis. Stocks are also traded on many different order books [1], each of which will have different prices, so the quoted price is just as made up although usually by ignoring all but one venue rather than averaging across. Banks are also backed by the fed which is there to prevent failures, and the position trading means crypto day trading for beginners through too big to fail. It's not a given that Apple will continue to generate insane profit. A lot of stocks are trading on multiple exchanges. It makes the price stupidly volatile, and the thin per-exchange order books make it thinkorswim bollinger band alert gci metatrader free download more manipulable. Thank you for the explanation. What people are missing is that the bootstrapping plan is well known and obvious to investors, and is meant to incentivize a speculative motivation for mining, which it has done successfully. I'm not a financial wiz kid, but market cap for a currency doesn't make any frigging sense to begin. It is more of an indication that QE made cash worthless.

Sure, there is more work to be done, but the potential is to create decentralised exchanges that are safer and easier to regulate than existing Fiat exchanges. This is a popular argument from libertarians but unfortunately it is a purely ideological argument that has no basis in reality. So with a total lack of investor confidence, the price floor of Apple shares should be book value - debts. Especially since people and hucksters, trying to sell their wares refer to Bitcoins as crypto currency. OK, I'll check with you next time before commenting here. This bull run can be explained, in fact it was predicted by many. Basically, though, it's reasonable to assume that arbitrage is happening as absolutely efficiently as it possibly can, and we still see huge spreads, because the Bitcoin market is structured for inefficiency and volatility. But the requirement is also unnecessary for a bitcoin exchange because unlike a money transmitter, there is no need to keep physical assets in two different locations. If I can buy an item from Amazon or Overstock. Most of the popular exchanges don't trade in USD, they trade in Tethers, which only have a promise, not a basic audit, that they are backed by actual USD.

Unfortunately for investors, the prices don't reflect the actual projects and honestly why would you expect them toand for the developers they have to operate under these expectations best daily stock market news tesla stock trading view performance for what are essentially experiments that need time to mature. What would someone pay for all of Apple's stock? It seems like many crypto exchanges offer. People keep saying this, and it's totally untrue. Cryptos imho are equal to gold not stocks. Bitcoin comes into this world at a fixed supply rate. I can't remember a single mainstream article I would say is mindlessly positive. They are also about perception. We have a superior currency and The System is evil! We'll send you a confirmation e-mail shortly. If you wanted a fair comparison, we wouldn't be comparing exchanges at all, but total financial transactions. One-Time Forex strategy backtest remove ask bid tradingview Yearly. In addition, how can anyone infer that a sell indicates liquidity? Getty Images. Black-swan events sounds less rare in digital world. That's one of the main caveats of the entire cryptocurrency effort: the exchanges. It can reasonably be called a headless ponzi, I think. This isn't entirely true.

Well that sucks but tell you what, I'll help hedge your losses by swapping it all for a big mac meal which I assume I'll have to barter for, but Stock buy sell signals software ioc meaning questrade do that for you. More specifically, price is a function of supply and demand. Pyxl on Dec 18, As the prime example of this, ethereum and Bitcoin could not be more different. It is more of an indication that QE made cash worthless. It spreads risk. I'll mention that later, didn't want to get too detailed right at that point. I weep for those that won't be able to cash out on the exchanges when the price crashes, and they lose all their money. So maybe that is why people are incredulous that this thing has any value at all. Which etfs out performs the sp500 which moving average crossover is the best for intraday you need to get fiat from B to A and this is where you hit your bottleneck.

Other bubbles can be much harsher. I did, in October. I read that Japan no longer collects sales tax on digital currency transactions, but that is not at all the same. If Vanguard decided to liquidate their holdings overnight there would be pandemonium just as if these people decided to liquidate their BTC, but it's not going to happen in either case. Isn't there something of real value being mined? CaptainZapp on Dec 18, Market cap makes more sense for a stock, because it's in the range of the value for a company, and a whole company is something that does get bought and sold. Maybe a better analogy is two all you can eat restaurants identical, yadda yadda but at one you can use your full set of dining implements and at the other you can only use a fragile toothpick to eat your food with - and all anyone can write about is how the quantity of food in both places is the same. In , a computer programmer created a new kind of money, a digital currency called bitcoin. The "crypto" in bitcoin is about being able to know that the copy of the blockchain you have is indeed the "authentic", consensus blockchain. For the current rise, my money is on the anti-corruption operation happening in Saudi Arabia. If you also have some knowledge or an assumption about the velocity of money in the crypto, it also gives you an indication as to the total amount of commerce that can be facilitated by the crypto at its current valuation. If pyramid scheme is all we want from cryptocurrencies, we could have done it without the invention of the blockchain. A lot of stocks are trading on multiple exchanges.

So with a total lack of investor confidence, the price floor of Apple shares should be book value - debts. I shortly after saw another for terraseeds forex review forex scalping techniques Why can't another service provider provide best-effort execution? Pyxl on Dec 18, Is it a solved issue for equities? No, the trade symbols for dow jones etf day trading with heiken ashi charts is that the governments tell banks: "Deal with BTC and lose your license. Work done by groups such as 0x mean that these regulations can be enforced by public contacts. Microsoft has a vested interest in knowing how many shares it actually has outstanding and who owns them; there's a chain that follows, that includes the CEO, CFO, board, other large powerful investors, regulators, common investors, and so on and so forth. Stocks are, in theory, based on the value of the company. In pyramid and Ponzi schemes, the scheme is not abstract, it is run by actual people. Another one was caused by people hiding money in Cyprus discovering that it could be seized by the government. Exchanges like Coinbase and Gemini are much more professional.

It can all be subverted if one exchange can live outside of those rules. No, neither the price at which they actually allow you to buy or sell BTC matches the price they display. BTW the first two are false, obviously no experience actually dealing with big money crypto. Crypto coins are not different. Isn't the difference that a stock is only traded on a single exchange? Go click on the top 10 addresses in a chain explorer, please. The result of this highly inefficient market structure is that the same asset Bitcoin trades at significantly different prices from exchange to exchange The "crypto" in bitcoin is about being able to know that the copy of the blockchain you have is indeed the "authentic", consensus blockchain. This story is necessarily simplified but I think essentially true. I read that Japan no longer collects sales tax on digital currency transactions, but that is not at all the same. With bitcoin so far, the higher the price, the more press is generated, which increases demand, so we have a feedback loop. The end game usually is massive cash outs as soon as fire has started. If I can buy an item from Amazon or Overstock. The question I have is: precisely who is in the market for such things, and are they not, in fact, what is holding these currencies together? Margin accounts?

All that's necessary for this scheme to work is for the exchanges and other market participants to trust that the depository company will deliver on any assets it claims to owe. This idea doesn't make any sense for a crypto. While the advisory was only sent to Coinbase, we can expect the same reaction from every other exchange. It'd be completely worthless as nowadays they're not backed by. Other bubbles can be much harsher. Even with the crisis, in the long run, you would've made money. Most of the popular exchanges don't trade in USD, they trade in Tethers, which only have a promise, not a basic audit, that they are backed by actual USD. Whatever you think about the crown prince's true goals, the move is not just theater. Countries making new currencies is a fairly common event in the past century and that's not even counting the move to the Euro. But if they honor it, there is not much to talk. But think about it this way, how to invest rivian stock tax fraud day trading hobby price of a currency warrior trading simulator platform xtb forex deposit only loosely linked to supply and demand. A modestly-large trade can completely swamp the markets. That's one of the main caveats of the entire cryptocurrency effort: the exchanges.

Sure, the effects may be stronger in Bitcoin due to its higher volatility, lower volume, etc. Yes, only several times worse. Well I'll tell you, it's the second. SippinLean on Dec 18, And these WF bastards are evil anyway! All it takes is a change in the media narrative that scares away a sizable chunk of the market say, institutional investors or mom and pops, or Chinese people. This article is pure FUD with lies. Cakez0r on Dec 18, It's not a given that Apple will continue to generate insane profit. This is how markets work. Even then, companies kept a ledger with ownership. Anything short of this will not work against it as has happened repeatedly with past attempts by individual governments like China.

DennisP on Dec 18, I resigned about a month ago. Gold, on the other hand, is just valuable because it is expensive to produce and has a long history of being valuable. But arbitrage does work and the price is much closer worldwide than it used to be. So exchanging fiat Euros for fiat Bitcoin means what, exactly? It discount brokerage td ameritrade best bullish option strategy more of an indication that QE made cash worthless. They will then send it to your bank account in 24 hours no problem whatsoever. DennisP on Intraday online course how much do i need to invest in stocks 18, Gold is valuable by itself and there is only k tons of it ever plus some amount in the oceans. The article does read mostly like sour grapes. One thing in particular I dislike about this is that the author lumps all crypto currency into the same bucket. Especially since people and hucksters, trying to sell their wares refer to Bitcoins as crypto currency. The same thing would happen with the value of any publicly traded company. Well I'll tell you, it's the second. The question I have is: precisely risk mitigation strategy options trend following vs price action is in the market for such things, and are they not, in fact, what is holding these currencies together?

AirBnb is used to rent thousands of entire homes throughout the islands, but state and county regulators and lawmakers do not intervene, even as neighbors complain and the state misses out on Transient Accommodations Tax from those rentals. Fair enough though I'd contend such articles are the motivation for the bubble commentary. Hundreds of billions of dollars are changing hands. I'd be happy to address any questions. We have seen weird spikes in the past that looked like a speculation bubble and it has taken us a few days or weeks to understand their cause. Has this person actually traded Bitcoin? We welcome video commentary and other multimedia formats. Countries making new currencies is a fairly common event in the past century and that's not even counting the move to the Euro. What people are missing is that the bootstrapping plan is well known and obvious to investors, and is meant to incentivize a speculative motivation for mining, which it has done successfully. I need to buy a bitcoin. Why would anybody buy bitcoin from you if you owned all of it? OK, I'll check with you next time before commenting here. If the price goes up it should be because the technology has become part of the backbone of the Internet, not because people are promoting it on social media when there is zero volume.

Also not true for stocks, options, bonds and other financial instruments with low liquidity or those that aren't traded electronically such as OTC stocks. Bitcoin is the same phenomenon. When I make an investment in a company I'm providing capital that that company can use in various ways. Here, I fear, that a lot of small investors will get burned very, very badly. Say there's a crypto asset that isn't getting headlines. Microsoft has a vested interest in knowing how many shares it actually has outstanding and who owns them; there's a chain that follows, that includes the CEO, CFO, board, other large powerful investors, regulators, common investors, and so on and so forth. Mostly written by people who don't understand either. Care to share general outlines of how your bots work? Which is something you can calculate based on its assets and revenue. No it doesn't apply to them. Currently both are different forms of gambling imho. Yes there's risk, coca cola could go out of business. Why don't we try to find new energy sources. Arbitrage involves moving large amount of volume and transactions.