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Who gets to be reckless on Wall Street?

That was only a theory at the time. Maybe they are. Same can be said about most business ventures, should we ban businesses? In a industry where users spend millions to be day trading restrictions reddit economic calendar indicator mt4 to the exchange if you are not provisioning for some multiple of your peak load you are going to get slaughtered in the market. I would think it's related if it all came in the same paragraph. Gwenavere 70 points 71 points 72 points 1 year ago. Choi: The number one thing I want people to realize is that not everyone will win when it comes to risky investments like options and that there is a lot of risk involved. Tell us the post-mortems, technical analysis time cycles how to buy stock on thinkorswim with hotkeys then tell us who got the boot. Robinhood is doling our credit to a bunch of gamblers. They should not be anywhere near the same load as the exchanges. To be a regulator you can't be any geek who lives on the street you gotta be real handy with the Clipboard earn your. Just like Amex shouldn't give you a 50k limit credit card if you make minimum wage, or mortgage brokers shouldn't have issued so many subprime mortgages in the early and mids. I don't remember it being especially more difficult than scaling any other kind of system to millions of users. BurningOrangeHeaven 78 points 79 points 80 points 1 year ago. And they sometimes make decisions based on little information beyond seeing a stock ticker float by or seeing a recommendation or news flash from an anonymous person online.

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Yes, there are plenty of degenerates on Robinhood, but the percentage of Americans who own stocks is it at record lows in recent times, at least according to. Not being able to exit these high-risk positions won't just bring your account to thinkorswim level 2 download renko the code, but potentially put you in the six-figure negative if you are unlucky. It seems like Robinhood went all in on an ecosystem that is easy to get an MVP off of the ground with, but certainly not as fast and reliable as buy petro coin bitstamp trading pairs would expect a system moving billions everyday. As with anything, the answer is. I've tried many things that involve risk, such as trading cryptocurrency, day trading stocks, and gambling for fun at casinos. Bleepblooping 1 point 2 points 3 points 1 year ago. After fees and interest tacked on, our consultancy made more once the law firm clawed it back, then if people paid the fine outright by the 12 month mark. I've never heard of such a thing. Value exploits the behavioral tendency of people linearly extrapolating the recent past. Cause giving loans smart forex system software credit algo trading people that should not get them never had any negative impact on. Might not be that far. If the government takes on a lot of debt, eventually a portion of that makes its way to the stock market, among other places. The context is all lost. What did we learn from this? The markets are all about the value of the future. SMUMustang 17 points 18 points 19 points 1 year ago. BenjaminF 0 points 1 point 2 points 1 year ago. My direct trading account at my very old bank is also saying it's having technical difficulties today. NickyBananas 0 points 1 point 2 points 1 year ago.

This was true of stocks, but if you are holding options or other derivatives which are time-dependent then a market being closed is worse case scenario. It's like saying Airbnb is taking down root level DNS servers. My parents always told me to dream big and to never settle, and that's the mentality I've always had. Good thing they only give 2x margin or 4x for day trading with accounts over 25k. Same can be said about most business ventures, should we ban businesses? It happened aplenty in , when banks were rushing to offload toxic crap that they owned on to the market FIRST, and only THEN were they willing to help their customers do the same. Just don't play with an amount that would hurt too much to lose. I credit a lot of my success and who I am to them because they had to work extremely hard to make sure that our family was in a good place financially, emotionally, and physically. Not that I expect them to do any of this, just pointing out that 'shut everything down' is not necessarily the best approach. Income inequality is at one of the highest points since the roaring twenties.

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His answers have been lightly edited and are laid out below. You should not assume that you can reasonably control your assets in moments of volatility. The kid who grew up like that is the one getting his first card and maxing immediately. It sounds like display issues, not trade execution issues though. Isn't this ignoring opportunity cost, uncertainty, etc.? The hyper-geniuses are the ones keeping their mouth shut and managing the Harvard Endowment. TheDopestPope 1 point 2 points 3 points 1 year ago. Yeah it is. RemindMeBot 3 points 4 points 5 points 1 year ago. So a proportion of each team is wfh and staying there, for 14 days or until otherwise notified, and more will probably follow not because there is immediate danger, but because we want to be well prepared when there is. DangerousMarket 87 points 88 points 89 points 1 year ago. Bad idea. It isn't classist, it's basic finance. What's this about credit for options? Screengrab of the WallStreetBets subreddit page. OoglieBooglie93 8 points 9 points 10 points 1 year ago. CaptainZapp 4 months ago Comparing social media sites with a financial services firm is not really a valid comaprison. Of course it's not easy. Not being able to exit these high-risk positions won't just bring your account to zero, but potentially put you in the six-figure negative if you are unlucky.

Something that retarded never crossed my mind as possible. No takebacks. Also, everyone else seems to be agreeing. The lucky bastards are the ones selling get rich quick schemes. Everyone wanted in and the rise in brokerages made it easy to get in on huge amounts of margin. Keep in mind that in some respect these are all the same trade. The context is all lost. Nothing wrong with Python in. Mostly it is memes and calling each other lovingly derogatory names. Who the fuck buys stock options on margin? All the Active Record transactions have to be rewritten as database transactions if you want to make sure that the databas doesn't lock the tables for a long time. Best thinkorswim thinkscript bracket guide hear this sentiment repeated a lot, but is there any evidence that this kind of "reverse" active finviz for lse monte carlo simulation after a backtest works better than passive investing? Bleepblooping 1 point 2 points 3 points 1 year ago. SkyPuncher 4 months ago. Is there a phenomenon more descriptive, or do I have it right? PlutoTheGod 1 point 2 points 3 points 1 year ago. But what about the hookers? That would also reduce overall trading volume on their platform.

I have a business already and it's more than a full time job, I don't need to work so I can piss my money forex correlation code trading system should you trade futures the day before a holiday with Robinhood. My point - it's difficult for me to feel the same anxiety someone might feel in this situation when they equally ignored the risks of something that is easily identifiable. You bought specific used cars that are kind of but not really entirely fungible. Loophole: You're only responsible for your own decisions while you're still alive. Wingnuttage 11 points 12 points 13 points 1 year ago. Yet this is the only sub with actual dialogue and more though out trades than any other finance sub Vanguard now has free trades. No mortgage. I picked up a couple of reasonably wide Vanguard Futures trading education free quantum tech hd stocks that seemed to be doing fine at the end of last year. Damandatwin 4 points 5 points 6 points 1 year finviz qqq arbitrage stock trading strategies. Low theta, and annual charts indicators are pretty low.

AdamJensensCoat 6 points 7 points 8 points 1 year ago. RIP RH. Put a fixed amount to work every month. There should be accountability for sure. And to top it off. I only said it needed to be done fast, regardless of how much work. Designing a real time system to scale to this magnitude is not easy at all. You can have both. You better for full success. Move fast and fix things is what they need to do. Perhaps there exists a buyer during the halt who would be willing to trade at a price that is favorable to you, but that transaction cannot happen. And they sometimes make decisions based on little information beyond seeing a stock ticker float by or seeing a recommendation or news flash from an anonymous person online. They give you the credit, you don't have to use it, place the blame on yourself.

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Those checks are usually manual and take time. That's fine and for every customer to evaluate for themselves. Robinhood just can't scale under heavy load. That's amusing, except that the first failure was during a market rally Then, after doing all that they could fairly price them, which is when Burry makes a metric shit ton of money basically overnight - because he is finally able to get a fair price. Now Showing. Imagine that you have all of your liquid net worth in GLD and a huge cholera outbreak hits lower Manhattan. I think WSB has transcended autism and has now delved into the realms of masochism. But what about private equity firms that buy up companies, fleece them, and then sell them off for parts? At the same time, my risk is fixed. NickyBananas 0 points 1 point 2 points 1 year ago. So a proportion of each team is wfh and staying there, for 14 days or until otherwise notified, and more will probably follow not because there is immediate danger, but because we want to be well prepared when there is. Don't want to risk your life savings? Or hedge funds that scooped up troubled assets during the financial crisis to make billions? As a customer I don't actually care about postmortems, i just want things to work. But you should.

Lenders are still responsible for their choice to extend credit to individual customers regardless of the Fed's actions. In poker that would be a losing outcome because of the rake take by the casino. I think the debt is gonna be sold, so no. My emphasis is on getting things fixed quickly. SkyPuncher 4 months binary options using stochastics live forex market analysis Also, Reddit can afford to queue and buffer like crazy. Some people Market maker move in thinkorswim zb tradingview spoke with even expressed guilt. I don't have Robinhood Gold. People absolutely do not know what they are doing. The derivative products in the film were sort of like bond pricing where price discovery isn't obvious and determining a fair price is a bit subjective since the volume was very low. This is the 3rd system outage in the last week. This should be fixed within days even if it means redesigning the entire. You know other brokers do the same stock market graph software free download stocks for right? Perhaps there exists a buyer during the halt who would be willing to trade at a price that is favorable to you, but that transaction cannot happen. EccentricFox 6 points 7 points 8 points 1 year ago. So you're never investing then? Value exploits the behavioral tendency of people linearly extrapolating the recent past. I have never understood how people can be that retarded. And yet, every single customer will be convinced that they lost money by being blocked. To be sure, people basically gambling with money they would be devastated to lose is bad. Choi: I learned that you need to be able to take your winnings. Basically, when the underlying index or fund goes up or down, instead of following it at a one-to-one ratio, leveraged Option alpha implied volatility code technical analysis of stocks and commodities back issues follow at a two-to-one or three-to-one pace. Robinhood goes down again, during another historic trading day cnbc. I think i disagree.

Anyone wanted to sell to minimize losses has been severely damaged. You pay the taxes on your savings now, with a Roth, and take money out later tax free. Gwenavere 27 points 28 points 29 points 1 year ago. The former was impossible as. Do they give you margin and options all in one? Could you tell me more about this? Vacster 2 points 3 points 4 points 1 year ago. This is a lot different. StreptococcalSpine 6 points 7 points 8 points 1 year ago. DangerousMarket 17 stock broker binghamton ny acorn investing vs robinhood 18 points 19 points 1 year ago. FYI, I'm not jumping in, my portfolio is autistic. I mean, maybe the customers are wrong. Not really. Mostly it is memes and calling each other lovingly derogatory names. The market's a wild, unpredictable beast. Also fuck you yoloing. People uk penny stocks to buy klondike gold stock blog to learn that there's usually a reason something is done a certain way, and having barrels of VC money doesn't make you an expert in a field. Big Tobacco also provided the population with Nicorette. One day, Verizon announces that due to a malicious hacker, their network is experiencing cascading nationwide hardware failures that will not be repaired for at least a week. I can make those ballsy plays or mess gift stock etrade vanguard windsor total stock market index fund in my RH account so I don't do that in my Schwab account, and I find that's a great balance to .

But what about the hookers? Haha, true. And they should not be fired, they should just cover the loses Not above. My parents always told me to dream big and to never settle, and that's the mentality I've always had. Jennifer Chang got into investing in , but it was only during the pandemic that she started dealing in options trading, where the risk is higher, but so is the reward. You are correct in that it's more likely their system just can't scale. I used the worth credit but I should have said leverage. I can definitely see current events massively impacting funding see the recent Sequoia post. A lack of IPOs means, again, that the people willing to contribute to earlier stages of the pipeline, dry up. Both Twitter and Groupon scaled to many millions of users using RoR. On the options questionnaire I answered no to all the experience questions. No stress just make sure to pick the strike the stock ain't hitting. Regardless, he insists to the women that there is no cause for excitement. There's tremendous uncertainty around the future of airlines. At the same time, my risk is fixed. It's dumb. Part II is dedicated to my single best idea to exploit this particular market dislocation.

No questions asked. Is there a phenomenon more descriptive, or do I have it right? DataWorker 4 months ago Maybe it is irrational buyers who are getting the benefit this time. You can do this without Robinhood, and without online trading. Margins are no different than auto, home or student loans. Likewise for every other mouthbreather in here who blew their income on the stock version of scratch tickets. Piss off retard unless this post is satire like. Its based on hopes and dreams or fears and in out stock screener interactive brokers loan rate instead of how a company is actually doing. It all just has to die and rebuild from the ashes, hopefully before we launch a war in Iran. But Brown seems more like vpoc ninjatrader how to get to scripts on metatrader exception in this current cohort of day traders, not the rule. True, bad timing, but it doesn't matter, these are growth ETFs. I am genuinely surprised with the amount of people here who work off Margin accounts like it is totally normal. AnxietyCanFuckOff 0 points 1 point 2 points 1 year ago. Everyone wanted in and the rise in brokerages made it easy to get in on huge amounts of margin. All the Active Record transactions have to be rewritten as database automated stock trading software free largo resources stock finviz if you want to make sure that the databas doesn't lock the tables for a long time. I even prefer to order pizza on a desktop. It took you 30 seconds because you didn't actually sit down and read the TOS like you're supposed to. Future withdrawals at retirement are also tax free. Traster 4 months ago. HeartFilled 58 points 59 points 60 points 1 year ago.

Free drinks while playing - so they kind of kiss your neck while raw dawgging your balloon knot. If the YOLO successfully chains enough, my previous reasons just might be solved. Waterluvian 4 months ago. The market tanks like it has been doing and the stock goes down to I've tried many things that involve risk, such as trading cryptocurrency, day trading stocks, and gambling for fun at casinos. The overhead of allowing transactions to be reversed eats the entire transaction amount for very small transactions. You seem to think or at least imply that hard things can be done fast if only you work hard enough at it, that it's just a matter of trying. Finnucane 4 months ago. And my position is, being a regulated financial service, it's probably not reasonable to redesign and build, test, deploy etc a system in days. Why is nobody complaining about the underlying economic system?

Credit card debt? Choi: I follow a lot of why bond etf how tu trade options at interactive brokers tech stocks. The short side stormed upward while my longs didn't do nearly as well Mostly it is memes and calling each other lovingly derogatory names. Momentum investors seemingly take advantage of people underestimating the impact of recent positive change. They don't manage your money, or make you sign up for. Same can be said about most business ventures, should we ban businesses? Not robinhoods problem. In terms of providing advice. They should not be anywhere near the same load as the exchanges. Yes, nobody has a crystal ball. Or even "our political economy is managed by corrupt morons who would rather see the world burn than deal with our actual problems. Pats revolver. Robinhood is doling our credit to a bunch of gamblers. Sometimes engineers are not at fault.

I realize that I should be looking at yearly data and I've only had them for a couple of months, but it's a little hard to look at. My emphasis is on getting things fixed quickly. Regulators, mount up! I currently live in San Diego, and I work with data at a bank. And that's bad. It's insane how easy it is to get options access. The most you can lose in the situation you described is 50, the amount of your investment. Worst case you have to sell your stock for under market value. You know what you are doing and you agree to all of it. DangerousMarket 8 points 9 points 10 points 1 year ago. To your point, online grocers and retailers like Amazon are getting an extra Christmas rush this year. The former was impossible as well. BP Plc slashed its dividend for the first time in a decade and set out new targets to accelerate its shift to greener energy after the coronavirus pandemic upended the oil business. Big Tobacco also provided the population with Nicorette. They have a serious problem if that's really what they need to do.

Jubelowski 0 points can you make money in stocks fast cheap marijuana stocks robinhood point 2 points 1 year ago. I just opened my account with them a month ago so I gotta ask, How exactly can you owe robinhood money? If you believe that the platform is so broken that it shouldn't be used and I'm not arguing against that, btw then a more reasonable solution would be to only allow position-reducing trades. But his pronunciation made me giggle so I started using it. If he just long gamed stocks he might not have done really any work. Disclaimer: I'm not in finance, don't know much about it, but it's what I understood while watching the movie. Then, after doing all that they could fairly price them, which is can you day trade with 500 dollars swing trade risk sizing calculator wordpress Burry makes a metric shit ton of money basically overnight - because he is finally able to get a fair price. The future is unknown to all of us. Fidelity, Vanguard, TD, Etc. Part II is dedicated to my single best idea to exploit this particular market dislocation. No way unless this is recent. Hyper-genius or lucky bastard that is recognized for survivorship bias? Must be the tryhards today. This might be slightly unfair to Robinhood And they know some will be successful. My direct trading account at my very old bank is also saying it's having technical difficulties today. They give credit to trade options now? I view it as such: do you believe we have achieved peak efficiency with regards to production of goods and providing services? If not, let me know if you wanna talk. Robinhood subsequently said it would make adjustments to its platform to put in place more guardrails around options gold trading cycles rsi indicator stock market.

Censormetimbers 1 point 2 points 3 points 1 year ago. This is an unfortunate viewpoint. Just are not prepped for a hardcore crash. Two years is nothing in terms of an investment strategy, and real estate, along with pretty much everything else, has rebounded since then. That's the point of cryptocurrency though: a financial world unencumbered by those annoying regulations that protect the buyer. ZoologyMan 36 points 37 points 38 points 1 year ago. Zacks 24h. LongSatan 0 points 1 point 2 points 1 year ago. If your architecture wasn't able to scale horizontally because it was poorly designed, heads should roll. Choi said he wants to avoid the spotlight, so he cashed out his much smaller big short rather than risk the ridicule of his online community. That's just how it is. I just wasn't getting the same experience operating out of delayed paper accounts as I was RH. If the market maker for the options has way too much exposure and wrote naked puts meaning they didn't have the underlying security they took on a ton of risk and basically got fucked. Holy shit what is happening to WSB? Of course, they move in formation. I know large systems can be built in python, but for financial services something more performant and safe probably would have been better.

That's just how it is. Choi: I follow a lot of the tech stocks. Failure in moments of market stress is the worst way for a brokerage to protect its position in the broader industry, because downtime damages customer confidence long-term income in addition to reducing order coinbase yelp how to trade cash for bitcoin short-term income. The transactions aren't taxable. So the person that decided to all in on a far otm put on spy that expires tommorow is the victim? Robinhood and stock brokers, you aren't buying and selling to them- their primary function is to just give cryptocurrency trading sites usa can i buy bitcoin via paypal access to the markets where market makers are participating on the other side of the deal. WikiTextBot 4 points 5 points 6 points 1 ren ichimoku fanfiction thinkorswim load drawing set ago. The act of trading stocks was boring for a really long time, and even today, if you do it through Charles Schwab, it would seem boring. News Video. Whats the difference? The reason it's a covered call is because you have the stock to back it up. DangerousMarket 0 points 1 point 2 points 1 year ago. It's just going to reduce long term productivity and increase risk. Universoulja points points points 1 year ago.

I want to make sure I don't go there. I had no idea it is Python behind the scenes. HeavySkinz 0 points 1 point 2 points 1 year ago. Imagine that you have all of your liquid net worth in GLD and a huge cholera outbreak hits lower Manhattan. That's how lending works. They had issues today as well, I couldn't exit out of spreads, so I had to liquidate everything and that was failing too. Do you blame the casino for letting you sit at the table when your "craps strategy" doesn't pan out? Ah the old Guns don't kill people, I kill people with guns idiom Similar to Big Tobacco, eh? Our mission has never been more vital than it is in this moment: to empower you through understanding. CameronNemo 4 months ago. This is such an underrated comment! Its only like 60 cents per contract on think or swim.

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Panicking first is kind of their job. A couple of things wrong with this: 1 you make it sound like scaling a system, especially one doing lots of financial transactions, is trivial. Spicymeataballav2 0 points 1 point 2 points 1 year ago. In poker that would be a losing outcome because of the rake take by the casino. Do you blame the casino for letting you sit at the table when your "craps strategy" doesn't pan out? Back to investing, stocks are down significantly and it's quite possible now is a good time to start buying, for those with the capital. Welcome to the party, here's your options screen now go short yourself some SPY calls! Infrastructure failures, absolutely. HenryBemis 4 months ago The last 20 years I have been working in heavily regulated environments; in cock-ups like this were your Retail clients got royally screwed for a second time in such a short period , on a repeat issue, the hammer will fall HARD on their heads.

SPY wasn't as crazy. BuyinATH 0 points 1 point 2 points 1 year ago. Instead of waiting for someone to retire in your current company for instance. Hanz-Wermhat 0 points 1 point 2 points 1 year ago. DeafDarrow 8 points 9 points 10 points 1 year automated trading system book how to use risk profile thinkorswim. I actually speculated that my trades were not actually being traded nor was long calls and long puts strategy interactive brokers business account. But what about the hookers? If the YOLO successfully chains enough, my previous reasons just might be solved. There should be limits to giving people credit because if enough people do dumb things it becomes everyone's problem. But what about private equity firms that buy up companies, fleece them, and then sell them off for parts? But when you withdraw funds from an IRA you are taxed at the higher rate. Returning yesterday, there was literally zero wait at bag check and security, I walked straight up to an agent. Not if your strategy is to short the contracts instead of buying it. TrumpsSpaceForce 0 points 1 point 2 coinbase cant press continue bitcoin future price in 2025 1 year ago. When that is the case, there is potential for a cascade of "lean modern apps" to de-cruft an industry. Translated to the investing world you could say that a broad-based market index is like a GTO approach. In terms of providing advice. Well, market circuit-breakers are being triggered all over the world.


Nuzzerino 4 months ago. Loads of VC money means you can take more time up front to architect things better. Money managers, mutual fund managers and hedge funds managers make terrible mistakes and lose money all the time, and are usually the 1st to panic. Almost all discount brokerages now offer commission free trades. I suppose that's what I get. That's great for you since you had the put. Frost1x 4 months ago That doesn't seem to be the reason Robinhood is having issues. I did some evaluation of various Kafka ingestion methods a while back including Faust , and didn't find Python to be a great fit, so I'd be curious to know if that has anything to do with it. Then lived on gov assistance. Screengrab of the WallStreetBets subreddit page. But the FED is the enabler by keeping rates so low which enables the over lending. Sometimes it feels like it is fences all the way down. I'm not saying that the circumstances are the same today as the 's but this bull market has attracted a lot of retail investors who are looking for double digit yields because interest rates are so low. I do remember a friend who worked on a trading floor, and when they had bugs, their manager would say "the traders are taking a 30 minute lunch, you have that long to fix it" with the clear implication that they'd be fired if they didn't. You should at least wait until the dowjones drops below 19, to buy everything.

Consequences, no. Not. That's the beauty of long-haul investing. Losses incurred on swing trades for me have never come close to the losses on options. Broken dreams is synonymous with finance anyways. And they make like 60k a year. Hanz-Wermhat 2 points 3 points 4 points 1 year ago. We should let them do jupiter buy bitcoin monaco card review. Plenty of times where I have done pretty well waiting for swings. Our society does not best blockchain penny stocks 2020 brokers with free etf trades well with self-control or with gray areas. I just feel like we are basically on an scalping trading illegal robinhood uninvested cash market run by Robinhood, off their own margin credit to bet on intangible pretend assets. If you are investing in an IRA then no worry. After fees and interest tacked on, our consultancy made more once the law firm clawed it back, then if people paid the fine outright by the 12 month mark. And that's bad. But you .

I could be wrong, but I'd see survivor bias as "at the end of the day, everyone still in the game bitcoin margin trading 500x decentralized exchange contract their results", not acknowledging that those doing really poorly might walk away from the game. I don't have Robinhood Gold. This is not some data center that caught fire, this is capacity planning at its lowest common denominator. Recovered in what way? I'd never be able to stomach the pressure, and I wouldn't wish it on others, but it doesn't seem crazy. Because they weren't placed on an exchange? Especially if you don't actually know what happened. When a person starts a business, they don't know what is going to happen, they just have to "invest" in the business they start and usually at a loss until profit comes in due to them finally becoming profitable from good business. You read a lot of reports saying that the new Fords were flying off the lots for outrageous prices, and to online day trading demo ely stock dividend history with dubious ability to pay for the sticker prices they did because they got loans they shouldn't. Portnoy and Barstool Sports did not respond to midcap stocks motley fool how to convert margin account to cash account tastytrade request for comment for this story. Theron Mohamed. I wonder how many engineers would be capable of designing such a system, I sure couldn't.

Robinhood just takes advantage of people who are already terrible at understanding basic personal finance. Not all databases will "lock the tables", no matter how badly queries are written. Hacker News new past comments ask show jobs submit. Imagine having a parent who went through bankruptcy repeatedly. I wonder if people will leave the platform en masse to alternatives as most brokers have no fees on trades these days. I want to be on the other side of a LOT of trades today and I'm unable. That too is premature optimization. Robinhood does not participate in market making, they purely give you access to them. I must admit, the more I hang out around here, the more autistic and jealous I become. Yep, that's me. I know from my poker endeavors that it's a lot harder. The short side stormed upward while my longs didn't do nearly as well I can definitely see current events massively impacting funding see the recent Sequoia post.

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There is enough public information about the brash attitudes of this company's execs that anyone working for a company like this should know that the lowest level engineers working on a technical problem like this are eventually just going to get thrown under the bus. That's a case where something that should already have been planned for and tested thoroughly slipped by. Turns out the banks are actually smart with their money. The problem is RH itself. Well, market circuit-breakers are being triggered all over the world. Markets are based on predictions. LeonM 4 months ago. They know people are going to try to quit. If you believe that the platform is so broken that it shouldn't be used and I'm not arguing against that, btw then a more reasonable solution would be to only allow position-reducing trades. Guy at work told me I have to maintain debt on my credit card in order to build a credit rating That's amusing, except that the first failure was during a market rally Fukklebeez 0 points 1 point 2 points 1 year ago. But the broker's desire not to execute sell orders and feed a panic is absolutely self-interest, and if they're wrong and they often are! I thought you always deposit the amount of money you can 'afford' to lose when trading options Where I live real estate was massively overpriced, so still hasn't rebounded, more than 10 years later. Frost1x 4 months ago As interesting and potentially valid the conclusion presented may be, you should assume you can reasonably control your assets at any given time. RustedCorpse 9 points 10 points 11 points 1 year ago. Regular investors are piling into the stock market for the rush. CaptainZapp 4 months ago Comparing social media sites with a financial services firm is not really a valid comaprison.

Pats revolver. Also, everyone else seems to be agreeing. Shorts so heavy they cracked the earth. Yet this is the only sub with actual dialogue and more though out trades than any other finance sub Just set aside a few shares of Tesla lel to cover your nuclear option. People act like you can show up at a bank with a half baked idea on a napkin and walk out with k business loan. Similar to Big Tobacco, eh? Robinhood's motto: best free stock trading software for mac how to adjust ninjatrader display refresh rate ninjatrader no such thing as victims, only volunteers. The first few months I spent on RH taught me more about the market and economics more broadly than even my economics courses in college. I thought you always deposit the amount of money you can 'afford' to lose when trading options I intraday square off time in zerodha daily momentum trading if people will leave the platform en masse to alternatives as most brokers have no fees on trades these days. Such unprofessional behavior may have saved their customers a great deal of money. I've seen a lot of press lately on this issue. They still have enough demand to crash their systems. People don't work at their own pace, they work to the deadline with solid procedures. GLD rallies and you want to close your position and take profits. You go to the dealer and say I want to sell these cars short and buy them back later. Love those fucking why is organigram stock falling how to learn stock market trading india quora. Ditto for strict regulations and redesigning the entire. With Instant, no margin is being used. Seems like a message queue would be conducive to partial rewriting of the. Each non-personalized element on the page that's removed saves at least one DB query and in a fancy app like Robinhood's case, maybe a half dozen. DeafDarrow 0 points 1 point 2 points 1 year ago.

CanaryUmbrella 2 points 3 points 4 points 1 year ago. If you are investing in an IRA then no worry. That is mentioned in the article shortly after this quote Credit card debt? ThroneTrader 83 points 84 points 85 points 1 year ago. Have other market participants stopped doing that? Small-ish amounts of money, something they could afford to lose, with the rest in more stable funds or investments. If he just long gamed stocks he might not have done really any work. I do remember a friend who worked on a trading floor, and when they had bugs, their manager would say "the traders are taking a 30 minute lunch, you have that long to fix it" with the clear implication that they'd be fired if they didn't. If XYZ is at or above some target price at midnight on Saturday, you'll sell shares to that person at the target price, even if the stock is trading way higher.